
Thursday May 05, 2016
May 2016
Thursday May 05, 2016
Thursday May 05, 2016
To see a video of this information, go to my YouTube Channel
May this year is a great year for those of us with telescopes (and still cool for those without), with a rare transit of Mercury, Mars’ opposition, and three great planets to look at for most of the night. Add warmth to the nights and you’ve got a great month to invite your friend with a telescope over.
PLANETS...well,the ones visible with your naked eye
Planets you can see around Sunset – Jupiter(S)
Planets you can see throughout the night –Jupiter (S→W), Mars & Saturn (SE→SW)
Planets you can see in the Morning – Mars& Saturn (SW)
Mercury – Not visible – between us and the Sun
Venus – Not visible – behind the Sun
Mars & Saturn– Look SouthEast after 10pm and bring a sky map of Scorpius. Mars, Saturn, and Antares will make a triangle throughout the month, with slight changes each day. Mars will be the bright-ish reddish light above and to the right of Antares, the brightest star in Scorpius (also red). Saturn will be less bright than Mars, and to the left and above Antares. By sunrise, they will be in the SW and close to the horizon.
Jupiter – Look South after sunset and Jupiter will be the very bright light below Leo the Lion. It will move toward the South and will besetting in the W between 2am and 3am.
New Moon – 6th (darkest skies)
9th – Transit of Mercury – For the first time in about 10 years, Mercury will cross in front of the Sun from the Earth’s perspective. A small black dot will appear to move across the face of the Sun for about 7.5 hours, and will not happen again until November of 2019. Here are two more in-depth sources: space.com and eclipsewise.com.
Here are the basics for those of us in the Eastern U.S. At about 7:12am, Mercury will begin its transit across a line that could roughly “slice off” 1/3 of the Sun, reach midpoint at about 10:58am, and reach the other side at about2:42pm. Times vary a little bit even within time zones, so look up time for your area.
BUT DON’T GO LOOKING AT THE SUN WITHOUT A FILTER. You’ll need a telescope with a proper solar filter, or you can use your lowest power eyepiece and project the Sun onto a piece of paper about a foot or two behind the eyepiece. Here’s some more info: Sky& Telescope.
First Quarter Moon – 13th (Visible until midnight)
14th – Close Encounter – Moon & Jupiter – Jupiter and the Moon are only about 3˚apart in the SouthEast after sunset and set in the West around 4:30am.
Full Moon – 21st (Visible all night)
21st – 30th –MARS reaches Opposition & Closest Approach – This is as close as we have been to Mars in the past 11 years, so it will be bigger than usual (Note:NOT anywhere near the size of the full Moon…that’s a hoax, look it up). This makes it a great time to take out the telescope and try to make out some of the surface features of Mars, since Mars is usually pretty small in the telescope most of the rest of the year. To find Mars, look SE after10pm and find Scorpius low in the sky. Mars is right past the head of the scorpion. More info: Mars and its opposition.
21st – 22nd – Close Encounter – Moon, Mars, Saturn, Antares – Look to the East around midnight,and you’ll see The Moon, Mars, Saturn, and Antares making a great quadrangle in the sky. These will rise up and move toward the South/Southeast by sunrise.
Last Quarter Moon – 29th (Visible from midnight into the morning)
CONSTELLATIONS... (see sky map link at the bottom for a SkyMap for this month – or ask Mr. Webb) Look straight up and you'll see...
After Sunset (sunset is between 8:00pm and 8:30pm) – Ursa Major’s legs, Leo, Leo Minor
Midnight – Bootes – find the Big Dipper’s handle, and starting from the inside of the handle, follow the arc that those four stars make past the last star in the handle about 30˚ or three fist-widths to the next very bright star you find which is Arcturus, the base of the constellation Boötes. Hence astronomers use the phrase“Follow the Arc to Arcturus”
Early Morning – Hercules, Lyra, Cygnus – These are the Summer constellations, and since they are starting to rise in the morning now, that means that summer is on its way.
Spring constellations: Bootes,Virgo, Leo, Corona Borealis, Hercules.
First find the Big Dipper in the North (a North Circumpolar Asterism that never sets)and look at the handle. Starting at the star closest to the “cup” part, follow the rest of the stars in the handle and follow the arc to Arcturus. Arcturus is the brightest star in Bootes the Shepherd. Some say he looks more like a kite, others say more like an ice cream cone.
Then,following the same “arc”, speed on to Spica. Spica is the brightest star in Virgo. Virgo’s a dimmer constellation, so you’ll be rewarded when you find her.
To the left of Bootes is Corona Borealis. This is a small collection of stars that make a crown, cup, or U shape in the sky.
To the left of Corona Borealis is the great constellation of Hercules. Hercules is the Hero of the sky and has a central “keystone” asterism, in which lies M13, the Hercules Cluster.
Lastly,Leo is a constellation consisting of a backward question mark (or sickle) and a right triangle to the left. Use the two Big Dipper “cup” stars that are in the middle of the Big Dipper and follow the line they make to the bright star Regulus, the brightest star in Leo.
Use a sky map from www.skymaps.com to help you out.

Friday Apr 01, 2016
April 2016
Friday Apr 01, 2016
Friday Apr 01, 2016
To see a video of this information, go to my YouTube Channel
April brings us some shorter nights, some being warm, some still reminiscent of winter. Also, Mercury becomes visible in the sunset,along with Jupiter, while Mars and Saturn hang out together in the morning sky. Aldebaran gets occulted by the Moon during the daytime, a weak meteor shower occurs, and the Moon, Mars, Saturn, and Antares have a great encounter.
PLANETS...well, the ones visible with your naked eye
Planets you can see around Sunset– Mercury (W), Jupiter (SE)
Planets you can see throughout the night – Jupiter (SE-->S-->W)
Planets you can see in the Morning – Jupiter (W), Mars/Saturn (SE-->S)
Mercury – Best apparition of the year. Look West after sunset and you may find Mercury in the twilight, getting higher as the month goes on until it is highest on the 18th, then creeps back down by the 27th.
Venus – Not really visible.
Mars – Look SouthEast after midnight and Mars will be the bright-ish reddish light above Antares, the brightest star in Scorpius (also red). By sunrise, it will be in the South and 30˚ above the horizon.
Jupiter – Look SouthEast after sunset and Jupiter will be the very bright light below Leo the Lion. It will move toward the South and will besetting in the W around dawn.
Saturn – Saturn will be visible after midnight in the SE, about 7˚to the left of Mars and up and to the left of Antares, the reddish brightest star in Scorpius. It will travel with Mars and be in the South around sunrise.
New Moon – 7th (darkest skies)
10th – Lunar Occultation of Aldebaran – The Moon, as it moves slowly across the constellations, will cover up the brightest star in its path, Aldebaran. Times vary by location, but Washington D.C. will see the star disappear behind the invisible-during-the-daytime dark limb of the Moon at 6:43pm, and reappear on the lit side around 7:55pm. You’ll need a telescope, since this is during the day, and stars are particularly hard to see in the daytime (though not impossible).
First Quarter Moon – 13th (Visible until midnight)
17th – Close Encounter – Moon & Jupiter – Jupiter and the Moon are only about 3˚apart in the SouthEast after sunset and set in the West around 4:30am.
Full Moon – 22nd (Visible all night)
22nd – LYRID METEOR SHOWER – Not the strongest shower, at only 10-20 meteors per hour, plus the Full Moon will drown out the weaker meteors. Look North in general after 11pm and into the morning. I wouldn’t spend much time going out for this one this year, but keep an eye up and you might get lucky
24th – 25th –Close Encounter – Moon, Mars, Saturn, Antares – Look to the East around midnight, and you’ll see The Moon, Mars, Saturn, and Antares making a great quadrangle in the sky. These will rise up and move toward the South/Southeast by sunrise.
Last Quarter Moon – 29th (Visible from midnight into the morning)
CONSTELLATIONS... (see sky map link at the bottom for a Star Map for this month – or ask Mr. Webb) Look straight up and you'll see...
After Sunset (sunset is around 7:30-8:00pm) – Cancer, Leo, Lynx,Ursa Major’s legs - Extra Challenge! Find M44 in the middle of Cancer –an open cluster of stars also known as the Beehive Cluster. You may be able to see it as a small fuzzy patch with your naked eye if you have very dark skies. However with a pair of binoculars or a telescope on low power, it will look like a hive of bees in the distance, hence its nickname.
Between Sunset and Midnight – Leo, Leo Minor, Ursa Major’s legs
Midnight – Canes Venatici, Coma Berenices are closer to the Zenith(the point straight above you), but Ursa Major, Leo, and Bootes make a nice but bigger triangle around it.
EarlyMorning – Hercules, Lyra, Cygnus – These are the Summer constellations, and since they are starting to rise in the morning now, that means that summer is on its way.
Winterconstellations: Orion is still easy to spot as he is directly in the SW after sunset. You can use Orion to find many other winter constellations, for the last time until the fall.
Using Orion: Find Orion by looking for the three stars in a row that make up Orion’s belt in the Southwest. If you draw a line from the left star to the right star and keep going right about 20 degrees (about 2 fists at arm’s length) until you reach another very bright star, you will have reached the star Aldebaran in Taurus (the V). Follow that line a little more(about another fist) and you’ll find the Pleiades.
If you start at his belt again, but instead go the opposite way and draw a line from the right star in Orion’s belt to the left star, and keep going left about 20 degrees (2 fists again), you’ll come to the brightest star in the sky – Sirius – part of Canis Major.
Above these three constellations are Gemini and Auriga. The brightest stars in each of these constellations form a circle in the sky. Going clockwise - Aldebaron (Taurus) – Rigel (Orion – bottom right foot) – Sirius (Canis Major) – Procyon (Canis Minor) – Castor &Pollux (Gemini) – Capella (Auriga). It makes for great stargazing in the winter sky.
Use a sky map from www.skymaps.com to help you out.